Rugby Festival 2019

Many thanks indeed for all the support given to the STCOBA to conduct successfully the 2019 Schools Rugby Event.
9 teams to control, manage & please at the same time is no easy task
Leading towards the event special mention must be made of Peter Ragel for having arranged the Refs, InbaKumar for showing the light at the end of the tunnel when my vision is blurred, Goddy for everything done behind the scene. Lansanga for the sound. Not forgetting Angelo with the food..
I take this opportunity once again to to thank all of you on behalf of STCOBA.
When I was moving out, I noticed another full Rugby ground on the otherside, that means two full completed Rugby Grounds.
If we can get 3 more teams, we can mobilise both grounds, play two games simultaneously, we can feed the hunger, and crave for play. we have the 3 teams SAC,ISSI,Dharmarajah –  Only a thought for next year.


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